Work Packages
WP1 - Scientific baseline
In this WP, past and on-going initiative and projects, as well as the relevant scientific literature, will be studied and reviewed. The review will focus especially on state-of-the-art methods for: 1) the integration/merging of multiple SPPs through explainable AI approaches; and 2) the modelling and quantification of uncertainty in SPPs.
- D1.1 Scientific Requirement Baseline Report
WP2 - Datasets and study areas selection and assessment
This work package regards the activities for the collection and processing of all the datasets, both ground-based and satellite-based data, that will be used for the development, stress-testing and validation of the methodologies. Specifically, these will concern: 1) a benchmark dataset consisted of about 1000 cells/stations around the world (incl. stations in Europe, USA, Australia and India) for development and stress-testing purposes; and 2) datasets from the Mediterranean region for methods validation. These datasets will contain daily precipitation and soil moisture data, while temperature datasets will be also collected for the development of data analysis and visualization platform of extrAIM. The dataset will be pre-processed in terms quality assessment, data cleaning, gap identification/infilling in the framework of the present package.
OUTPUTS- D2.1 Datasets and study areas assessment report
WP3 - Scientific analysis
This WP comprise all the scientific developments that will be implemented within extrAIM. Specifically, it regards: 1) the development of AI-enhanced, yet explainable, framework for the integration of multiple satellite-based products; 2) the development of a framework for the probabilistic modelling and quantification of uncertainty in the integrated products’ estimates; and 3) the development of a data analysis and visualization platform that will facilitate the retrieval of the UA datasets developed within the project and communicate the risk arising from individual and compound extreme events.
- D3.1 Scientific analysis report
WP4 - Implementation and Validation
In this WP, the developed methodologies for products’ integration and uncertainty quantification are implemented to create an AI-enhanced uncertainty-aware SPP for the Mediterranean region. The validation will also study the discrepancies between different datasets, in terms of precipitation’s extremes, annual mean as well as seasonal and inter-annual variability, aiming to categorize Mediterranean regions in terms of extrAIM SPP accuracy. Additionally, the data analysis and visualization platform will be launched, giving access to the AI-enhanced uncertainty-aware SPP for the Mediterranean region, communicating also information, via maps, on risks from individual and compound extreme events.
D4.1 Implementation and validation report
D4.2 extrAIM uncertainty-aware precipitation dataset for the Mediterranean
D4.3 extrAIM data analysis and visualization platform
WP5 - Scientific roadmap
In the framework of this WP, a Roadmap will be compiled, framing the lessons learned during the project, as well as proposing directions for future research and operational implementation with respect to the developed methodologies and tools.
- D5.1 Scientific roadmap report
WP6 - Management and reporting
This WP initiates once the contract will be started, and comprises activities ensuring the smooth and efficient delivery of the project. This work package will also orchestrate all the activities concerning the communication and dissemination to make project results public. These comprise, among others, publications in scientific journals and international conferences, dissemination materials, web page (with public access to datasets generated during the contract), project multimedia, social media and web stories. Key part of the dissemination and communication strategy is also the extrAIM data analysis and visualization platform, developed in Task 3 and 4, whose key target is the communication of risks arising from individual and compound (precipitation and temperature) extreme events to the end-users.
Communication and dissemination material, including the development of web page, will be covered by internal funding, and due to this not extra costs have been claimed.
- Other management documents
- D6.1 Final reports